We’ve seen the lovely Princess in pink but this is the first post about green Princess. I bought a large set of Princess pink depression glass a couple years ago and have been able to show several pieces off in blog posts and tablescape for you. We have gotten our stock of green Princess one or two at a time and it’s danced out of our store quickly.
Hocking made Princess in green and it’s the perfect color for this charming pattern. Can you see the scroll design on the rim? On some pieces that looks like the curtain at a theater. The platter has little molded tufts between the scrolls by the handle and the other sections have enough clear glass that you don’t see the curtain motif.
I like the big feathery motif in the center. Look closely and you can see it’s all small swags but stand back a bit and you see feathers. Princess wears many illusions!
I recently started rephotographing some of the glass in our store. Our old photos are clear and pretty but they don’t expand well since they were low resolution. I hope you like the larger format pictures.