We’re having a little wine and cheese party today. Let’s use Navarre etched crystal, one of the most collected glass patterns from Fostoria. I don’t have many pieces, just enough for a glass of wine, a plate of crackers and a glass of champagne.

The goblets are the claret wines, larger than the regular wine stems which are tiny in this pattern, and smaller than the tall water goblet. I find claret wines a good size in most Fostoria patterns.
This photo shows the pattern better. It’s pretty with the upside down dangling bouquets surrounded by scrolls and swags.

Here’s another view of the table showing the pretty interplay between the two sizes of stems, the lunch plate and the Baroque candle.

This is what you would see when you sit down with this place setting.

Here’s another view that shows the candle holder better. That candle holder is special. It’s Fostoria’s Baroque crystal with the upswept wings and holds two candles. Fostoria made at least nine different candle holders with the Navarre etch, some held one candle, others two and a few even held three candles. A table setting with these would be spectacular.

It’s time to go in now and enjoy a few light crackers and a glass of wine. Good night!
Thank you to Susan from Between Naps on the Porch and friends for this fun Tablescape Thursday.