The Art Deco period was waning during the last years of the Roaring 20s. Just as today, styles trickled down to mass produced consumer goods after the style setting jet set (or their equivalent) had already moved on. This green depression glass cream pitcher is Tea Room from Indiana Glass and dates to 1926 to 1931. Its style is pure Art Deco.

Tea Room Green Depression Glass Creamer
Can you imagine how rough most soda fountains or department store tea rooms were on their glass dishes and serving pieces? It’s amazing this cream pitcher survived with just a couple tiny nicks in the foot and none on those ridges.
Back in the 1920s every drug store had a soda fountain and department stores had tea rooms where you could get a small lunch or light snack. Ice cream sodas and floats were menu favorites. Indiana marketed Tea Room to these small restaurants and offered many tumblers and dishes that fit the ice cream and snack menus. For example Indiana made four different creamers and sugars to choose among.
I got this recently from someone selling his grandmother’s glass since she was moving to a smaller place. It’s too bad but she had only this one piece of Tea Room green depression glass. It’s not extremely rare but it is hard to find pieces in good condition. I was glad to get this one and have it listed in our store Cat Lady Kate’s Elegant and Depression Glass.