I love big bouquets of flowers and baskets spilling over with flowers, don’t you? Our glass companies knew they had a winner when they used baskets in their design motif. Last week I shared one of my favorites, Fostoria Florentine, which has tall urn-shaped baskets with bouquets all connected by swags.

You can read that post here: Baskets Spilling with Flowers – Such a Pretty Etch – Fostoria Florentine Pick of the Week.
I thought you’d like to see some other patterns featuring baskets. First one up is from Tiffin, their Adam etch. This is very elegant, actually a little more detailed than Florentine. I love how the flowers are so exuberant, they are falling out of the basket.
Adam is a happy pattern! The baskets are enclosed in a wreath with more swags and scrolls. Guess those glass makers knew that swags and flower baskets are made to go together.
Heisey Dutchess is a winner! Exquisite etch, old, high quality crystal and an easy shape make this exceptional. Notice it has swags too.
This next one is a mystery. I bought this at an antique mall thinking it would be a snap to identify. Famous last words! I still have no idea who made it or the pattern name.
Morgantown made four etches with baskets, Versailles, Bramble, Bramble Rose and Sonoma. Some of
Compare Bramble to Bramble Rose. I can’t see any difference, can you? Bramble is on an optic bowl while Bramble Rose is smooth, but that’s the only thing I can spot.
Sonoma is one I’ve never heard of before, which doesn’t mean so much as I’ve had very little Morgantown glass in my store. It’s quite pretty, less formal than the two Bramble look alike patterns.
There are a few more etches with basket motifs, plus mold-etched depression glass to show off. This post is getting long already so I’ll close it now and finish in a future post.
Enjoy your baskets!us is like antiquing with your best friend.