It would be fun to look at several of the etches that Cambridge made in the late 1920s, early 1930s, that are border designs. We have had pieces in several patterns and they are all interesting and lovely.
I have had more pieces with etch 704 than any of the others.

Cambridge Windows Border Etch 704 Green Console Bowl
Etch 704 is distinctive with its curled scrolls that are back to back, separated by plain space. None of the other designs have this sort of wide, almost paisley like design.
Cambridge made this in green, amber, pink, clear and blue. We’ve had the green and amber. It is exceptionally pretty in the amber; Cambridge’s amber is a deep, rich shade, not yellowish or brownish.

Cambridge 704 Windows Etch Amber Cheese Set
Cambridge made a full line of this etch, stemware of course plus many accessory pieces like the candle holders and cheese and cracker set shown. I saw a couple plates for a luncheon set at a depression glass show and they made a dinnerware set which is not as easy to find.
Gene Florence gave Etch 704 the nickname Windows Border in his Elegant Glassware of the Depression Era. It took me a while to figure out that the design detail that spawned the name is the row of small ovals right by the edge. The closest etch to 704 is #520, which has back-to-back and face-to-face scrolls, but it lacks the small ovals. If you spot the ovals and the scrolls, then be confident you have Number 704.
Gene Florence lists a complete line up of stemware – including parfaits, cordials, claret and regular wines, and multiple sherbets – in two stem lines, blank number 3060 and 3075. Line 3060 is plain, simple clean lines on the stem, normal shaped bowl while 3075 has ripples in the bottom of the bowl and knop on the bottom of the stem. They also trimmed some pieces in gold.
You can see that we have accessory pieces from multiple lines too. They go well together.

Cambridge Windows Border Etch 704 Amber Line 138 Sugar
I really like this pattern and buy it when I can. I’ve gotten my pieces either on eBay or at estate sales or thrift stores. I would recommend you use online sources as much as possible if you decide to collect Etch 704 because otherwise you will have a hard time finding pieces; it just isn’t that common and people often don’t know what it is called.

Cambridge Windows Border Etch 704 Amber Line 138 Creamer
We have just a few pieces in stock, the cheese and cracker, creamer, sugar and console bowl are all listed on Etsy. They are a good choice for adding beautiful glass.