One of the enduring glass pattern motifs is a central, small design surrounded by swags or flower sprays. We see small cameo motifs in depression glass, such as the wonderful Cameo design itself from Hocking, the Rose Cameo pattern from Belmont, and in many elegant etched patterns.
Tiffin made several designs with central cameo-type motifs, including Cherokee Rose. I’ve seen this stemware at several estate sales and antique malls; it is generally affordable and quite pretty.

Cherokee Rose has a small urn that looks like a perfume bottle, surrounded by a dotted oval line and tiny flowers, with scrolls coming off the top on the left and right.

Sometimes people confuse Cherokee Rose with the gorgeous, ever-popular Rose Point from Cambridge. Rose Point has small roses surrounded by a fancy, elegant scroll that has a tassel on the bottom, and is flanked by rose and leaf sprays.

This shows the rose sprays.

From a distance these etches look a lot alike. In fact I got a set of Cherokee Rose when I saw photos in an estate sale ad, thought they were Rose Point and asked Dave to go get them!