A few posts ago I showed a display at an antiques fair of candles, candles and more candles. Gorgeous! (You can read that post here: Antiquing with Your Best Friend – Candle Holders All Sparkly
This one shown, by Westmoreland, would look great on the dinner table or even better surrounded by greenery on your mantle. It has a lot of looks with the curved handles and pretty cutting. It looks like Christmas!
I have a few candle holders stashed away that are worth showing off in the next few posts. This first one has a story behind it.
One thing I’ve discovered selling glass is the wonderful books you need. Since I love books this is a happy situation as it gave me an excuse to have a nice library.
I saw this particular candlestick in my book The Glass Candlestick Book by Felt, Stoer and Stoer, and thought it looked pretty neat. But I never expected to find it in person, especially since it is pretty old, dating from 1910 to 1940. What happened? The week after the book arrived Dave and I went to an estate sale where they had – guess what – this set of candlesticks. Needless to say they came home with us!