If you enjoy the vintage look of Mid-Century Modern then you’ll want to see Charm, a simple pattern that Anchor Hocking made from 1950 to 1954 or 1956. All Charm pieces are square, even the cups, giving a table setting retro good looks.

The light blue color shown in the cup and saucer is called Azur-ite and it’s translucent. Besides Azur-ite look for Forest Green, Jade-ite and Royal Ruby. Anchor Hocking made all pieces in Azur-ite, Forest Green and Jade-ite but only a few pieces, basically a dessert set, in Royal Ruby.

Charm is not a large pattern but it has enough pieces to make a striking dinner service. There are three plates, bread and butter, luncheon and dinner, two bowls, dessert and soup, cup and saucer, creamer and sugar plus a serving platter and serving bowl. The platter is rectangular. Soup bowl is coupe shape, meaning it has no rim. (It looks a bit odd to me.)
Notice the little band of ridges around the center of this platter. All Charm pieces have these.

At one time I used to see a lot of Forest Green Charm glass at estate sales or antique malls and just a few pieces of Azur-ite. I’ve not seen Royal Ruby Charm in person although it is available online and no doubt you can enjoy shopping for it on your antiquing trips.

You can find pieces in all colors if you shop online. Replacements has most of the Forest Green and a few pieces in other colors and eBay has quite a bit of this pattern in Forest Green. You may need to buy in lots, such as several luncheon plates or groups of mixed pieces. It’s quite an affordable pattern on eBay – of course you’ll want to check the condition and shipping before buying.
At the moment Azur-ite is less costly and fewer pieces are available compared to Forest Green. The green color is superb, a lively rich shade that is lovely at Christmas or all year. Azur-ite is a cooler shade. Jade-ite is still harder to find and more expensive, which has been true ever since Martha Stewart introduced America to jade colored glass.
If you enjoy the retro look of square dinnerware then Charm is the way to go.