This piece is a mystery! I got it in with a big bunch of glass several years and put it aside in a box hoping I’d figure it out “someday”. Do you have boxes like that too? With glass and neat things you want to get around to? Those great websites and books are so helpful; my box has only a couple things in it now.
This is a small comport, or maybe a cheese holder from a cheese and cracker set. It has a very pretty cut design of clover leaves and blossoms. The top edge is ground and has a thin engraved line just under the lip. Even the foot has little cut ovals around the center, and the inside of the bowl section has an etched fleur-de-lis and scroll design. It’s sure an unusual piece.
This picture shows the size and shape better; the pedestal stem is short, one reason I’m leaning towards this being the cheese holder.
What would you use this for?
We have this listed on Etsy here for $15.