Georgian Lovebirds Green Depression Glass Saucer Unmarked
Is this Georgian Lovebirds saucer real depression glass or is it a repro? It is not marked.
This next saucer is marked.

Georgian Lovebirds Green Depression Glass Saucer with Mark
I have Georgian cups, saucers and sherbets with the Federal F in a shield and without. Are any reproduced?
There are web pages that claim that any unmarked Federal piece is a repro. Some pages single out Georgian and claim reproductions.
How can you know? Is it safe to buy unmarked pieces? Will you get ripped off?
Georgian has not been reproduced. Here is why I say that.
- Noted depression glass authorities like Gene Florence and Barbara Mauzy know reproductions. Both say Georgian has not been reproduced. In fact I consulted Mrs. Mauzy who was extremely gracious and generous with her knowledge. She confirmed Georgian has not been reproduced.
- Most patterns that have been reproduced have come out in odd colors. The Georgian pieces are all the same shade of green.
- The fakers out there pick on patterns that are lucrative. Georgian sells OK but it’s far less popular than Cherry Blossom or Madrid. Cups, saucers, sherbets are among the most affordable Georgian pieces.
- Glass companies were not in the practice of marking their glass in the depression. Hocking, for example, didn’t begin marking most glass until the 1940s. Early Federal isn’t marked.
- Marking some pieces, like plates or bowls, would disfigure the pattern.
In fact few depression glass patterns have been reproduced. And of those that have, most have had only a couple pieces redone.
You can protect yourself from scammers by doing a little research on your favorite patterns to know what to watch for. Both Florence and Mauzy published excellent books with detailed information to help you spot fakes. Your library can get you a copy. Don’t believe all the spurious web pages but rely on people that truly are experts.
Finally, if you are not confident you will spot the repros then select patterns that have not been remade. American Sweetheart, Petalware, Block Optic, Doric, Dogwood, Stippled Rose, Patrician, Windsor are a few of the patterns you are safe to buy.