I came across an interesting article today that wondered where all the glass went that used to be so prominent in antique malls and flea markets.
The author wondered depression glass has lost its popularity, especially with younger people who may prefer to collect items they remember from their own childhood. That may be true for some. My customers are generally over thirty, but very few are old enough to have grown up in the depression or even the 1940s.
That makes me wonder. Why do people collect depression glass, or vintage glass of all sorts? I do not believe it is just for fond memories of growing up. After all, my Mom liked new things and never used her Rose Point crystal. But I love it and that’s what we have and use today.
I think what has changed are collectors themselves. Back a few years collectors were avid. They knew what they had and what they wanted and most of them chose to collect things in a set – maybe a pattern, or a color, or all creamers and sugars or candle holders. They were motivated to get one of everything.
That is what has changed. Yes, some folks want one of every piece of a given pattern. But most that shop with me are there because they had a piece or two, got fascinated and now want more. It’s beautiful stuff with a history and memories. Even if the memories are not your own they help anchor us to a time and place and to our family before. My store is online so I cannot visit with my customers in person or show them the glass. Instead I try to show how beautiful it is, how special and how they too can enjoy it. I want my customers’ to feel like they are antiquing with their best friend.
The other type of collector I’m seeing today are those who enjoy shopping for pretty things or at antique malls. They buy what strikes their fancy. Some enjoy thrift store shopping and bargain hunting. But none of them buy glass just to stick it in the cupboard where it will collect dust.
So… a question for you dear readers. Why do you like glass? Do you think of yourself as a “collector”? What do you like to look for when you shop for memories?