Last week I posted about getting our home ready for summer. You know what comes next, don’t you. Yep, the inevitable discovery that this wall needs to be painted so we might as well do those walls too. And the carpet is shot so let’s replace that, and…. You get the picture.
My dining room is full up with the sun room furniture plus the 24 boxes of books that were on the book shelves we had to move out of the sun room to get at the walls that had to be painted. Needless to say, I’ll be revisiting favorite tablescapes for the next few weeks!
This one is a dandy. It combines summery lunch plates with Sharon pink depression glass. Love that combination of pink honeysuckle on the square plates with the cheerful pink glass.

When we get the dining room back I want to try combining these neat plates with green glass. Just see what works the best with the green depression glass we have in our store, and maybe put a few pink pieces out too.

The plates look a little somber in this picture. They are a soft light cream, lighter than ivory but not pure white. The honeysuckle leaves and flowers are soft shades of green and pink. The Sharon pink glass is full of roses and is such a pretty shade of rose pink.
These lunch plates are by Kokura China in their Clifton pattern (luckily they say so on the back). I got them at an estate sale because the flowers are so pretty and the square shapes appeal to me. I’ve not come across any more pieces in this pattern.
I hope you enjoy seeing some of our past tablescapes once again! Wish me luck in the painting / carpeting / packing work.
My thanks to Susan from Between Naps on the Porch for hosting this fun event.