The last 20 years or so I’ve not seen much – or any – modern etched stemware for sale. Tonight Dave and I were at Macy’s and (naturally) I drifted to the glass section to drool over the gorgeous stemware. Except it wasn’t. Oh, it was very nice quality crystal, lovely shapes, some pleasing cut patterns. But what it was not was etched. Even patterns that were marked “etched” were actually cut, light, pretty flower cuttings but not etched. I guess if you like the pretty etched designs, with their intricate, lovely designs you have to find vintage pieces. Here’s an example from Lenox. It is good quality crystal, pretty design, contemporary shape. (Picture from the Lenox website here: Lenox Stemware.
L by Lenox Floral BouquetThis goblet is cut, not etched. Here is another, also a modern design that would look great with assymmetrical dinnerware.
L by LenoxThe other stemware in the store was Waterford, also quite nice but again, lots of geometrical cut designs. These cut designs catch the light and sparkle, but they don’t have the playful frilly gorgeousness of the older etched stems. When my thoroughly modern sister visited she enjoyed a glass of wine in our Rose Point; next time we had wine she asked for “that pretty glass”. She might not buy vintage for herself but she appreciated the design flair and artistry in ours.

Rose Point 3500 Water Goblet Vintage Cambridge Stemware
I don’t know whether fashions will once more bring etched designs to the fore. Until then, if you want Rose Point elegance, well, you need to buy Rose Point.