What is this you ask? It’s too small for a relish tray but it’s obviously something.

Duncan Miller Canterbury 4-Part Creamer Sugar Cruet Tray
Welcome to the world of fancy glass. This little piece is the Canterbury crystal four-part condiment set from Duncan Miller.
I like Canterbury. Duncan Miller crystal is beautifully clear, gorgeous quality. the pattern is simple with plates, bowls, stemware all having a six-part petal shape. Pieces like this little tray have rounded tab handles and of course the bottom rims are ground.
Duncan Miller made Canterbury for many years, from 1939 to 1955, then Tiffin continued the pattern when they acquired the molds. At one time I used to see Canterbury at almost every auction and estate sale but lately it has not shown up as often. Canterbury was so simple and came in so many pieces that many families had a piece or two, even if they didn’t have a set. I suspect this was a pattern that made its way to many wedding gifts.
Duncan Miller made different sizes of creamers and sugars, plus salt and pepper shakers, oil and vinegar cruets and even small condiment holders. They made two-part trays and this four-part trays. You can get a two-part tray to hold the oil and vinegar cruets – a very nice set that would have been a welcome gift – and a different two-part tray to hold the salt and pepper shakers.
Think of how you often you get asked to pass the salt, pass the salad dressing, pass the cream. Now think how much nicer it would be if all the stuff you have to pass was nestled into its own special tray that you could pick up easily by the handles and pass everything all at once. Nice idea, huh.
The four-part tray could hold the oil and vinegar cruets with the shakers. It seems fancy but in fact is practical and a good way to keep cruets from dripping on your table cloth. In the mornings you could use this tray for the mini creamer and sugar, salt and pepper as an elegant addition to your breakfast table.
So yes, this is a fancy piece. But even fancy glass can be practical!
Shopping Information: We have this condiment set listed here along with other pieces of Duncan Miller Canterbury in our store Cat Lady Kate’s Elegant and Depression Glass.