Welcome to the second Fancy Friday! We had our friend Karen over tonight and used our favorite Rose Point etched stemware. That’s the perfect fancy piece for our weekly celebration of the unordinary.

Rose Point Crystal 3121 Goblet Cambridge Glass
Karen is a delightful lady and a wonderful friend. Dave made cranberry relish, one of Karen’s favorites, to go with our wonderful meal and jelly roll for dessert. He set the table with Rose Point crystal and sterling – that perfect fancy touch to make a good dinner with a friend even better.
Dave and I had a set of old Fostoria crystal from my grandmother that was sadly all chipped up. We wanted something different but didn’t know what – and of course we couldn’t give away or discard a family treasure no matter how beat up. When my Mom and Dad died we got their set of Rose Point sterling. That made it easy to select Rose Point crystal stemware and we got a set of 8 ice teas and 8 water goblets, just the perfect combination for an elegant meal.
I hope you have something like this too. Something just that little bit fancy that adds a grace note to your life. Come and add your post to our weekly blog party by pasting your link below. Just be sure to include a link to our blog too and enjoy adding your bit of fancy.