What’s your fancy this week? How about a Duncan Miller crystal swan candy dish?

Duncan Miller made swans for candy, swans for flowers, crystal swans, colored swans, big swans, little swans and swans in the middle. These were partially handmade. Duncan’s glass workers molded the body, attached the head and neck by hand, tooled the face and ground the base.
The hand work is one reason swans were relatively expensive pieces back in the day. You would buy them for pretty accessory pieces, for gifts or bridge prizes.
These are fascinating little pieces and so pretty. Today you would enjoy them for the hand made artistry, for the beautiful crystal and winsome shapes.
One odd point is that I’ve seen only two swans here in mid Michigan in the 12 years I’ve bought and sold glass. Both are the same size and shape. Wouldn’t you think I’d see more swans and different styles since Duncan Miller made so many?