Deidra and I went antiquing Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this week looking for great glass finds. We didn’t find a lot of great finds but we still had fun!
Today we went to a huge store, crammed on three floors with antiques. The store used to be an old play house and the stairs are narrow and steep! Deidra found these just as we were getting ready to leave. I love the Art Deco look of the Roseland etch from Monongah and was happy to find a set of five of these taller sherbets. They were in perfect condition and I’ll get them washed and listed this weekend.
Sadly the sherbets were the only things we found to buy. There was a set of nine Indiana Soda Fountain green tumblers except several were chipped. I didn’t think to get a photo (too disappointed with the damage we found).
I’ve very rarely seen Federal’s Mayfair depression glass. Both Hocking and Federal came out with a Mayfair pattern about the same time, both with roses although very different colors and detail. Federal reworked their Mayfair design into our Rosemary depression glass, supposedly to avoid confusion with having the same name as their competitor. I suspect that Mayfair may have been more difficult to make too, as they were unlikely to change the pattern design otherwise.
We found a few pieces of Federal Mayfair today. Some were grungy with gunk in the grooves but this cup was nice and in great condition.
I also kept my eyes open for Lancaster and we saw several nice pieces, including this pink satin finished bowl. This is the Carol pattern, named by Hazel Marie Weatherman in her foundation book Colored Glassware of the Depression Era, Book 2. Mrs. Weatherman was among the first the catalog and name Lancaster glass pieces and she borrowed names from friends, her husband, daughters and characters in favorite novels like Little Women.
We found more chipped and damaged glass, most of which was priced far too high, than we did elegant or depression pieces in good condition. What I didn’t find were good sized sets of one pattern, except for one cupboard of amber Madrid. The last time we went to the same store we found sets of several patterns and we’d hoped to find those again this year.
My antiquing buddy is leaving us on Sunday, so no more antiquing for a while!