Federal Glass made their pretty Heritage pattern from 1940 to 1955 in crystal plus a very little in pink, light green and blue.

It’s a pretty pattern with an oval and scroll design that reminds me of feathers. The motifs are smooth and the background made up of small dots, making Heritage sparkle in light.

Federal made pieces for a small dinner or luncheon set, including basic serving pieces. The 9 inch dinner plate is shown just above and there is also a luncheon size, 8 inches across.

Notice both plates have a slightly scalloped rim. Plates, bowls and the saucer all have this while rims on the cup, creamer and sugar are smooth.

There is one small bowl, about 5 inches across to use with place settings and two larger serving bowls. The serving bowls look like the small bowl, with a flared shape, not a cupped or round shape. Please note my bowl in the photo below is crystal, but the photo picked up the green from the foliage in the background.

The other serving pieces are the creamer (which is not easy to find), sugar and a 12 inch sandwich plate. Sometimes the serving plates were drilled to make other accessory items.
You might find pieces with gold trim around the rims. Federal made the small berry bowl and the 8 1/2 inch large berry (aka serving) bowl in pink, green and blue but all uncommon.
Reproduction Heritage pieces showed up in the late 1980s and early 1990s but I understand these were poorly made, with little detail in the design and many were marked MC for the store which sold them. The reproductions came in amber, crystal and green; note that Federal did not make amber Heritage and the authentic Federal green is similar to the depression era green while the fakes are more avocado.
I don’t recall damage concerns with the Heritage pieces we had. Of course you’ll want to check those scalloped rims along the top, bottom and edge and look for wear. Just now (September 2023) I found many pieces of crystal Heritage on eBay and you might find some at estate sales or antique malls.
It’s a pretty pattern and would be fun to collect with a few pieces that are hard to find!