New Martinsville Wild Rose Etched Candleholder
We talked before about how I can’t resist etched candle holders, how about you? Leave a comment and let me know what you think about them. I’m fascinated with the wide diversity of style and shape and just enjoy the beautiful etches and the neat shapes.
This came from a twice-yearly big flea market about 30 miles from us. It was trying to rain and was real windy so many vendors were stashing their breakables early when we went into one of the last booths. It was a youngish man selling vintage pottery with some nice glass including these candle holders. He thought they were Cambridge and wanted quite a bit for them but everything was half off so he could get out of there. I thought they were pretty nice although not Cambridge and at 50% off, almost reasonable. So we got them.
The etch here is New Martinsville Wild Rose. Sadly New Martinsville etches are not widely known, possibly because there isn’t a great reference book for them. Prelude is the best known, which New Martinsville started and Viking continued. I’ve had one other piece of Wild Rose and it is quite a pretty design and a little different from other rose etches. Take a look at the loops under the center wild rose blossom; that’s how you can tell this pattern.
I’ll get this candle holder listed in the next week. It’s such fun selling glass because it gives me a great excuse to buy it!