Deidra and I went antiquing yesterday and found nothing, just a lot of old, dirty stuff in a couple local store. Then we went to the local Salvation Army to make a drop off – and of course we had to go in and check out their glass. I saw some Fostoria Century cups, nice. Then we hit the jackpot in a large set of Century plates and serving pieces.
Fostoria Century has curlicues around the rim and handles. It’s a cheerful, elegant pattern that Fostoria sold as plain crystal and used for several etches like Bouquet and Heather. Century was successful and Fostoria sold it until the early 1980s. Ladies were entranced by the lovely curled rim and clear crystal.
We found this piece, the large lily pond bowl, in this set. You might look at the lily bowl and wonder how people used it. Of course you can float flowers – lilies, peonies, camellias – and it’s large enough to include several blossoms and leaves. My husband found another use for this shape that is even better.
I left a Romance lily pond on the cupboard after washing it and later found he put peaches and nectarines in it. This shape is gorgeous holding fruit! I’ll try to get a picture this weekend for you.

Fostoria Century Large Lily Bowl Crystal with Curlicues
You won’t find lily pond bowls in contemporary glass. Yet they must have been popular as Fostoria made two sizes of Century lily bowls in clear elegant crystal.