Some of you still have summer but fall is in the air here in mid-Michigan. Nights are cold and the tree tips are turning. Let’s enjoy a last gasp of summer with fuchsia flowers dancing on crystal.

Tiffin’s Fuchsia etch is one of the most detailed flower patterns – you can tell right away this is a fuchsia by the long curved stamens and bell-shaped flowers. This is no stylized flower cutting with generic petals and leaves!
Tiffin etched Fuchsia on several stem shapes, so if you decide you want this pattern you’ll want to notice the shape of the bowl and the design on the stems. This cocktail shown here is the 15083 blank which appears to be the easiest to find. It’s a good choice if you like this etch.
Fostoria made a fuchsia etch that is quite different, more stylized fuchsia flower sprays and connected with swags of leaves. Tiffin’s looks more like the fuchsia plant. Both are pretty and you could blend them, although you’ll find Tiffin’s Fuchsia a little easier to find that Fostoria’s etched glass.
Come and enjoy memories of summer fun and keep yourself cheerful this winter with fuchsia bedecked crystal!