Platters are the perfect piece of depression glass! Let’s say you want a pretty plate to serve cookies or your famous double fudge mocha chocolate cupcakes. Pick a platter. How about sandwiches? Platter is perfect! Or yes, you could use it to serve your main dish or even veggies or slices of bread. And in between uses you can put it on the shelf behind your dishes for a pretty spot of color.

Of course not all vintage platters are called “platters”. No, instead we have sandwich plates, salvers, two-handled cake plates or trays. This Mayfair Open Rose pink platter is, fortunately, a platter. It is oval and has two small tab handles to make it easier to use.
I like Mayfair from Hocking Glass. The big roses and panels of low ribs are a charming combination, and let’s not forget the neat shapes. Plates are squares with scalloped, cut off corners, a little like the Princess plate I showed a few days ago but easier on the eyes. Sugar bowls, creamers and cups are rounded squares, easy to hold and pleasing to look at.
We can’t forget the colors. Hocking made beautiful colors during the depression. Besides this rose, you can find Mayfair in a medium green, a lovely blue, topaz yellow, plus a few pieces of clear. The rose is the easiest to find.
Plus Hocking made a huge number of pieces. You can choose from many bowls, all sizes and shapes for serving or display, plates, tumblers, accessory pieces like a covered candy dish or vase, and serving pieces galore.
Mayfair is one of the moderately priced patterns in pink, not as inexpensive as some but well into the affordable range. There are a few pieces that are rare and pricey, but you don’t have to get them. With so many piece to choose among you can always find something you like and can afford.