It’s Wednesday and time to share an interesting article from other glass lovers. You might remember I’ve shown off several lily ponds, or shallow bowls meant for flowers, over the years. I have had lovely ones from Fostoria, the Romance etch, plain Century crystal, and this nice one from Imperial in their Mount Vernon pattern.

Dean at shows pictures of bowls from Fostoria (Romance!), Duncan Miller and Tiffin, all with small flowers floating on water. It’s a nice presentation and good way to show a variety of flowers Dean points out that most elegant glass companies made lily ponds but none of the mass-produced machine companies did.
Here is my Romance lily pond. This is the piece that I made the mistake of leaving out for a day and my husband appropriated for fruit.

The Romance bowl sold – yes, I managed to retrieve it from Dave – but we still have two sizes of Fostoria Century. You’ll like the smaller one for a shelf.

Lily ponds are nice pieces. Enjoy the article from Dean of Replacements!