Every year we search for perfect gifts for people we love. Christmas of course, birthdays, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, anniversaries, weddings, showers, all present challenges. If one of your giftees likes glass and collects something then congratulations! You are in luck with an easy choice.
What about giftees who like pretty things but haven’t gotten the glass collecting bug yet? Elegant glass candles or that perfect bowl or vase will be ideal gifts.
Even people you need to exchange with at work can be easy to please with a depression glass candy dish.
Here are four tips to make a hit with vintage glass gifts.
Tip #1. Give What They Collect
This one is easy! People who collect glass (or anything for that matter) like to talk about their collection. Find out what they have and what they would like. If you can’t get them to talk about it, then look around, ask their friends.
You can even take pictures and post online for help. I’m happy to help if you post photos on our Facebook page.
Go online, find what they like, confirm condition is top notch. Great! That’s one gift done!
#2. Give Pink to the Women in Your Life
Many ladies enjoy pink depression glass in all different patterns. Even your friends who don’t have pink glass now will enjoy a piece or two for its cheerful color and optimism. Here are good choices for anyone.

#3 Give Beauty in Candle Light
When it comes to beauty we have lots of choices with vintage glass including candle holders.
Glass companies went all out with candle holders. Sometimes when I browse my candle holder reference books it seems like they were trying to outdo each other in who could make the most interesting and lovely candlesticks. This is a grouping at an antique fair in Ann Arbor Michigan several years ago showing how great a collection of candles look in holders of many different shapes and patterns.

This first one is from Fostoria, June etched in azure blue. June was one of Fostoria’s most successful glass patterns.

Here’s another candle holder from Fostoria, this time in crystal with Romance etch.

Manhattan is a depression glass pattern from Hocking with strong Art Deco lines. Here is the square candle holder, a super neat piece.

And here’s one last candle holder that would be perfect for the person who enjoys a little more formal lifestyle.

Regardless of color, style, size or shape there is a candle holder for everyone. Check your local antique mall or browse estate sales to find just the right one.
#4. Give Candy in a Vintage Candy Dish
Who wouldn’t like a pretty candy dish filled with caramels or foil-wrapped chocolates? Vintage candy dishes are charming pieces. This is a great idea for a gift exchange at work since many people like to have a small bowl of hard candy on their desk.
Here are a few candy dishes to consider:
Fostoria made lots of little one-handled dishes they called nappies that are perfect for candy. Here is the crystal Baroque nappy with Chintz etch. You could use this for a gift exchange.

Heisey was known for their high quality glass, mostly crystal and this Lariat basket is a good example. (Heisey made a ton of Lariat pieces, even a special bowl for marshmallow!) We often don’t think of baskets for candy dishes but this one is small enough to be charming holding your candy for Easter or Halloween – or even the stash on your desk at work.

This one is special. It’s scarce, hard to find and drop dead gorgeous. It would be perfect if the name you drew in the family gift exchange is your mother in law or favorite sister.

This piece is a small ruffled bowl in the Georgian pattern. It’s quite eye catching and a nice size for candy.

One last candy dish is this Cambridge Rose Point bon bon It is in great condition and perfect for someone special.

Vintage Pitchers – Always Useful and Fun
There are tons of pitchers to choose among, from depression era to classy etched elegant crystal to bright decorated from the 1950s.

So much beautiful glass, it can be hard to choose. Use these ideas to get you started to find just the right gift.