Several of our Facebook friends use long shelves to display their favorites and others use their hutch or above the kitchen cupboards. If we have glass to display we want lots of light to shine through and show off the beautiful colors.
I looked for pictures to give us all good ideas to show off a glass collection. It’s pretty easy to show a piece or two, but harder to find good examples with several pieces.
This article about displaying depression glass is by Dianne Zweig. I love the first display that takes advantage of natural light and a window.
My Mom put colored glass on shelves in front of a side window by the front door in one house and on top of a cupboard with lights in another home. Both were pretty.
If you have smaller pieces and window ledges that won’t get bumped into by pets or children, try a display like this one. You can read the full blog post here:
Tip of the Week! Display Your Glass
I hope one of these ideas will work in your home!