Indiana’s Vernon or Number 616 depression glass pattern is pretty but scarce and not so well known as other patterns. Indiana made Vernon from 1930 to 1932 in crystal (clear), green and yellow. As noted in a prior post, we have had exactly two pieces of Vernon since 1999 and those came from a lady who collected for years.

If you want to collect this pretty mold-etched pattern, can you find it? According to Gene Florence’s Collector’s Encyclopedia of Depression Glass, you have only seven pieces to hunt: creamer, sugar, cup, saucer, footed tumbler, 8″ luncheon plate and 11 1/2″ sandwich or serving plate.

Florence notes in his 2010 edition that collectors can still find crystal and crystal trimmed with platinum Vernon, but yellow is challenging and green even harder. I saw some Vernon at glass shows a few years ago.
I looked on eBay and Etsy this morning for Vernon depression glass and found a few pieces of crystal and one or two pieces of yellow and green. It looks as though you could assemble a small set to serve dessert or lunch provided you purchased online or at glass shows.
Florence quotes prices ranging from $2 for a crystal saucer to $35 for a green tumbler; I suspect prices are held down because few collectors seek small patterns that are hard to find. Plus Vernon, like most Indiana depression ware, has rough mold seams and the glass is soft and scratches easily. It’s a good choice for a dessert or tea set but be careful buying tumblers or cups to avoid getting ones with rough rims. If you buy online be sure to ask the dealer about rough edges.
Prices on eBay were slightly more than Florence’s quotes in 2010 when including shipping. I noticed several patterns seem to have gone up in price a little from the doldrums of the 2009-2016. If you like Vernon this is likely a good time to buy.
Be aware that Indiana made a Mount Vernon glass pattern which is very different from “Vernon” or number 616. Indiana made Mount Vernon in the typical 1970s colors, footed pieces have square bottoms and the design is geometric, with vertical indents. Cambridge and other made Mount Vernon patterns too, and Fostoria made Vernon etched glass which is beautiful. Check photos to be sure you are getting the Number 616 depression pattern.
Fostoria Vernon etch is this: