This week I’m showing off a neat way to combine vintage china with vintage crystal stemware. If you see a few pieces of beautiful dinnerware at an estate sale there is no reason to pass them up.
True, you may not be able to find exact matches but you can be on the lookout for other pieces that blend and harmonize. I found both these Haviland Limoges sets at the same time and got them for our store. They would be wonderful for lunch or an intimate meal with friends.

Haviland Limoges China Dinnerware Monongah Etched Crystal
The plates here are both Haviland Limoges fine china. The larger dinner plate reminds me of Christmas with the gold and green wreath around the rim and the smaller plate has deeper shades of green gold and gold. The etched stemware is Monongah Secretaries Primrose. I love how the deeply etched flowers pick up the flowers on the smaller plates.

Haviland Limoges Fine China Dinnerware Vintage
Did you see the green center handled server? This is an unusual oval shape from Cambridge Glass. I love the way the green contrasts with the etched crystal Secretaries Primrose from Monongah Glass. You do not see center handled servers in contemporary glass or china yet these are among the most beautiful and useful pieces you can own. Put a center handled tidbit on your table and garner instant conversation and admiration.
Just to show you how you can mix and match even more, here is another center handled server, this time cut crystal from New Martinsville.

Haviland Limoges Dinnerware Secretaries Primrose Stemware New Martinsville Center Handled Server
Which do you like better? Etched green or cut crystal?
Here are more views as if you were sitting down to lunch with me.

Haviland Limoges Dinnerware and Monongah Secretaries Primrose Stemware
And another.

Haviland Limoges Dinnerware and Monongah Secretaries Primrose Stemware
One more.

Haviland Limoges Dinnerware and Monongah Secretaries Primrose Stemware

Haviland Limoges French China Dinnerware
I’m not showing any flowers or centerpieces, not even a candle! That’s to allow you to use your own imagination to furnish this table the way you would for Christmas. Please drop me a comment and let me know how you visualize this ending?
And one last one showing more than one place setting. It’s too plain and needs your insights to give it the finishing touches.

Haviland Limoges China Plates Monongah Etched Crystal Stemware
Thank you to Susan from Between Naps on the Porch for hosting this fun event.
Shopping Information: We carry the Monongah vintage etched crystal, Cambridge green oval server, New Martinsville cut crystal server and Haviland Limoges china shown in our store Cat Lady Kate’s Elegant and Depression Glass. Shopping with us is like antiquing with your best friend.