We don’t see much Morgantown glass around here in Southwest Michigan. Fostoria, Cambridge, Paden City and New Martinsville/Viking seem more common at estate sales and malls – with one exception, Mayfair stemware. Morgantown Mayfair stemware must have sold well since I see more of it than all the other Morgantown patterns combined.

Mayfair is distinctive and once you see it you won’t have any problem recognizing it. Look for a grouping of three flower urns connected by scrolls and swags at the base. That’s Mayfair!
Morgantown used two stem lines for Mayfair, both similar with lady leg stems and flared bowls. The one shown above is #7668 which has a slight bump near the bottom of the bowl. It’s more obvious in this line drawing from Replacements:
The other shape is line #7711, a simple flared shape like this footed water tumbler.

Morgantown put this pretty etch on a few other pieces – plates, probably accessory pieces – but they must have sold a lot of stemware since that’s what we find today.

If you like this pattern it’s easy enough to find at malls and online and is not costly. My three sherbets are $30 including shipping and are in perfect condition. Replacements shows stems and tumblers between $8 and $20, very reasonable for quality vintage crystal. (In fact their most costly piece is the dessert plate at $22.)