I love Art Deco. Love the rich colors and striking contrasts, the neat fonts, futuristic looking shapes and curves with straight lines and angles. So many glass companies were inspired by the Deco look that we have an overflowing treasury of glass to pick from.
Last week I found this small bowl at an estate sale.

Art Deco Yellow Bowl Trimmed with Black and Gold Rim
Isn’t this a great piece? The glass is clear with a yellow paint coating the outside. The rim has a 1 inch wide black band, also on the outside, with gold bands on the inside of the bowl. It’s a spectacular look, even on a small piece like this 7 inch wide bowl.
Here’s another look, this time photographed on a white background. (I know, the background looks brown, not white.)

Small Footed Clear Bowl with Art Deco Black and Gold Trim
I bought this wondering whether it was Lancaster as that company made pieces with similar color combinations. I’ve had a Lancaster vase and candy dish from the 1920s that were decorated in rich orange with black trim, and the look and feel were similar to my bowl.
But I couldn’t find this exact bowl shape.
Most of the Lancaster footed bowls I saw pictured have a small stem with a wafer at the top, just before the bowl flares out. The stem might be very short but it is definite. My bowl lacks any stem. The bowl itself starts right at the foot.
It’s an interesting question: Who made me? Any ideas?