Now that it’s fall, are you looking forward to making hearty warm soups for supper again? What better way to enjoy your meal and add a surprise than with pink depression glass?

This soup bowl is one of the harder to find pieces. It’s Sharon from Federal Glass, also called Cabbage Rose for the sprays of open faced happy roses blooming in the center and sides.
Federal made several of the most popular depression patterns, Madrid, Patrician, Georgian, Sharon, but did not use pink nearly as much as did Hocking or MacBeth Evans. In fact the only Federal patterns you often find in pink are Sharon and Diana. Federal made Normandie, Rosemary, Madrid, Patrician and Columbia in pink too, but these are less common.
One fun thing about Sharon is that it came in a lot of pieces so you can have fun collecting it. This same variety works in the opposite way too: If you decide you want only a small set you can choose among several options for plates, bowls and tumblers. Sharon is also quite robust. It’s thicker glass than some patterns and the shapes are smooth; there are no sharp edges that get nicked. You do need to watch rims of course, both the inner edge and the outer edge, but Sharon doesn’t get a lot of inner rim roughness.
Thanks for visiting our Pink Saturday pink depression glass post this week, and as always a big thank you to Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for organizing this fun event.
Other posts:
Inner Rim Roughness and How to Check Your Glass for Damage
Patrician Green and Amber Depression Glass – Spoke by Federal