Federal Glass made their robust Pioneer pattern beginning in the 1940s until they closed in 1979. The pattern is reminiscent of the heavy glass from the late Victorian era, molded into plates and bowls.

I have only seen Pioneer with fruit centers, most pieces had molded fruit as with the plate above and some intaglio as with the bowl at the top of the page. The intaglio bowl above has a base that is ground smooth, somewhat unexpected for mass-produced ware.

Federal made very few pieces in the Pioneer pattern, small, medium and large bowls, and two plates sized for lunch or dinner. Some of the medium and large bowls are ruffled although I never came across these. It apparently was not a super popular pattern where we lived in Michigan as I saw mostly the small, 5 1/2 inch bowls and a few plates or larger bowls

Federal also made pieces in transparent pink, plus some in amber and green and sprayed on colors such as iridescent smoke. From the piece list we can infer it was meant to be a dessert service or possibly the larger bowls may have been meant to be decorative accessories. There is no cup, sherbet or other place setting piece however.
Crystal Pioneer is readily available online or possibly at antique malls and the like. Being clear glass it often is under the radar as a collectible pattern. There are many bowls and plates offered on eBay in several colors and almost all have the molded fruit design in the center. Some pieces have been drilled in the center to have a nut cracker holder insert or turned into a tid bit or basket. If you like Pioneer then this is a good time to find pieces you enjoy!