Today it’s time for a pop quiz. Here are three pieces of etched crystal, all made about the same time period, and all featuring roses, swags and center medallions in their design. Can you identify them? No fair looking at the captions first!
Our first contestant is a candy dish with lid.
Our second contestant is a beautifully shaped oval celery dish. First let’s show a close up of the etch so you can see it better.

Viking Glass Sonata Etch
Here’s the dish so you can see how the pattern looks on the piece as a whole.
The last one is a goblet. On this one pay attention to both the etched design and the shape of the goblet.

Cherokee Rose Etched Crystal Sherbet
OK, it’s quiz time. Which one is Rose Point? What are the others?
The first one is Rose Point on a candy box. Beautiful piece.
The second is from Viking Glass, one of their few etched patterns. It is called Sonata. I thought of this at the glass club on Tuesday when one of the attendees had a small dish. Sonata is not super common but I suspect more would come to light if we recognized it better.
The third is Cherokee Rose from Tiffin Glass. Tiffin used some of the same elements as Rose Point – the center medallion, the swags, lavish flower blossoms between each medallion motif – and combined the design with a shaped stem.
Which one do you like better? Can you please leave a comment with your vote and your quiz answers?