One of the pieces that always puzzles me is the American Sweetheart cereal bowl. It isn’t very big and it’s shallow, 5 3/4 inches wide and less than 1 1/2 inches tall right to the scalloped tips.

American Sweetheart Monax Cereal Bowl
It doesn’t look big enough to hold much and so shallow that it would be sloppy to use. Just for comparisons, I measured some other cereal bowls we had.
The Patrician cereal looks bigger and deeper, but it is only 1 3/4 inches deep. With the rim the bowl almost an inch wider – 6 3/8 inches wide – but it’s actually not really any larger than the American Sweetheart bowl.
The Cameo cereal is almost the same size as the American Sweetheart and it’s also fairly shallow and rimless.
I was curious whether the glass companies used consistent shapes for their depression glass cereal bowls. Remember the Patrician bowl from Federal was deeper. Here is the cereal in Diana pink depression glass, also by Federal; in real life this is pretty small, about 5 inches across, so it looks deeper than it is.
Our American Sweetheart bowl, which started the whole post, is from MacBeth Evans. So is this Petalware bowl, which is virtually the same shape and size.
I can’t really come up with any conclusions, except that depression glass cereal bowls still look odd shaped to me!