Did you know the royal house of England is called Windsor? Back in the depression people were fascinated with British royalty and glass companies liked to borrow the cachet of the royal family by naming their patterns something linked to England and royalty. Thus we have Queen Mary, Princess and Royal Ruby from Hocking, Royal Lace from Hazel Atlas and Windsor from Jeannette Glass.

Windsor is a nice, well behaved pattern that goes well with others. Here we paired it with Swirl, also from Jeannette, in both pink and ultramarine.
It’s also one of the least costly pink patterns. You can find pink Windsor dinner set pieces fairly easily and even tumblers are reasonable.

In her book Colored Glassware of the Depression Era (Book 1) Hazel Marie Weatherman noted the original advertisements for Windsor included a picture of “Windsor Castle – The King’s Castle – England”. The advertising must have worked because Jeannette made Windsor in pink from 1936 to 1940, in green in 1936, but well into the 1940s in crystal. You can find some interesting pieces in crystal that Jeannette never made in pink or green, including several sizes of tumblers, a nappy, candle holder and several others.
Personally I prefer the pink to the clear or green. It’s a soft, pretty candy pink, not strident and looks good in the bold molded shapes. Try it and you too can have a link to the Queen!