We’ve explored the differences between Florentine Poppy #1 and #2 for tumblers, sherbets, cups, creamers and sugars. Let’s take one last pass through with plates and bowls. You can read the earlier posts here:
Florentine Poppy #1 and #2 Tumblers
Florentine Poppy #1 and #2 Cups, Sherbets and Cream Soups
Remember that Florentine #1 shapes are scalloped like this pink Poppy sherbet.
And Florentine #2 shapes are round with smooth edges.

I love the shapes of the Florentine #1 with the extra scallops and little bit of fancy. The plates and bowls have true rims with scalloped edges. Here is the Florentine #1 Poppy dinner plate.
The shape is great, yes, but it has a couple problems. First, that rim has a sharp drop off where the inner rim meets the center, and that gets nicked if you are not careful with stacking.
Of course the scallops can get nicked too, but I have not seen so much problem with nicks on the outer edge.
Here is the large Florentine #1 serving bowl, a lovely, wonderful piece of depression glass. This green bowl was a great find. I found it at an antique mall in perfect shape with no damage whatsoever. Of course Florentine #1 in perfect condition sells faster and higher prices than pieces with nicks.
Florentine #1 shapes, pure round plates and bowls with smooth rims, are also lovely. The design flows through the rims to the sides on both shapes, very nice. Here is the plate.
Of course these plates can get nicked too, but notice there is no separate rim on these plates. The rims flow right into the centers with a smooth curve. That means there is no inner rim to get nicked up.

All in all, I love the poppy design. But if I collect this pattern I will choose the smooth, round number 2 shape but mix with the Florentine #1 cups. What about you? Which do you prefer?