Imagine if you were a housewife during the Great Depression and you got your best dinner dishes by faithfully buying the product they came with as a free premium. You saved up and got that pitcher and then that bowl so now you have a complete set. You would feel so proud of your pretty table.

Mayfair Pink Depression Glass Dinner Table
It’s winter here in Michigan – cold, cold and yes, cold. Here is a tablescape that brings cheerful thoughts of summer. The plates, bowl, pitcher and sugar bowl are Mayfair Open Rose pink depression glass and cups and saucers are Sharon Cabbage Rose pink depression glass.

Isn’t it great how well the two pink glassware patterns go together? Both are pink with roses but came from different companies. Hocking Glass made Mayfair depression glass and Federal made Sharon. The pinks are very close and look great together.

Here’s the full table. I love the flared fruit bowl in the center. It makes a great centerpiece and is the focal point of this table.

Here’s a closer view of the Mayfair pink depression glass pitcher and Mayfair fruit bowl.

Aren’t these plates neat? They are square with the corners sliced off with scallops. The top of the rim has more scallops all around the plate and roses on the corners and big roses in the center.

And one last view of the full table.

I hope you enjoyed seeing this depression glass table. Thanks for visiting our Tablescape Thursday.