You can get a stunning effect when you combine clear glass plates with other pieces. Whether you slip a crystal plate under china to add a bit of sparkle, or you use a combination like this one with pink Miss America depression glass, you have a winner.

Miss America Pink Depression Glass on Crystal Plate
I got this idea from Bill of Affordable Accoutrements. Here is one of his tables set with vintage china and crystal. The stemware is from Morgantown, their Mayfair pattern. The crystal plate peeks out from beneath the salad plate.
You could use almost any clear plate for this, but if you want a piece that will look great on its own, consider an etched plate like this Romance salad from Fostoria.

Fostoria Romance Crystal Salad Plate
I’ve not tried using a colored glass plate, such as a Dogwood pink depression glass lunch plate, with china or crystal. Hmm. Maybe a project for a future tablescape!
Be sure to visit the other posts on Tablescape Thursday sponsored by Susan of Between Naps on the Porch.