Have some Christmas shopping left to do?
Vintage etched crystal stemware is a great gift for your friends who love wine or like to try out a new cocktail every week. Wouldn’t this super Cambridge Rose Point etched cocktail be great for that friend who enjoys a cocktail in the evening?

You can find any shape or size stem you want in vintage crystal.
Do you have a friend who likes cordials and after dinner liquors? They’ll enjoy a quiet moment after dinner relaxing with a small wine glass that holds an ounce or two like this nice Fostoria Garland stem.

Is your sister a wine aficionado? Then you have a huge choice! Wine goblets are wide, short, narrow, tall, clear, plain, colored and crystal. Find the style she will like!
Here’s a more contemporary one with an amethyst twisted stem. This is Czechoslovakia Crystal Flair in amethyst.