Some of the cutest Swanky Swigs feature baby animals playing with their toys called Kiddie Cups. Each one has two baby animals with toys that look just like them. This first one has a kitten holding the string to a cat pull toy and a bunny with its own toy.

I’ll let these speak for themselves.

I think there are a few more but these are all I have photos of.
Not all cute little decorated tumblers are Swanky Swigs. Most glass companies made drinking glasses, often with stenciled decorations, and included small juice in their product line. I’m not sure this next one with elephants on parade is a Swanky Swig although it is cute!

Enjoy your orange or tomato juice in this, but it is definitely not a swanky swig.

If you like decorated tumblers you might want to look for the book The Decorated Tumbler by Hazel Marie Weatherman, the same lady who wrote early definitive books about depression glass and Fostoria. The book has lots of pictures, mostly small.
Phillip Hopper wrote a couple books covering Anchor Hocking’s decorated tumblers and pitchers and Florence includes a few in his Hazel Atlas and Fire King reference guides.