Thank you to Susan from Between Naps on the Porch and friends for this fun Tablescape Thursday. Today we’re having lunch on pink depression glass.

Doric and Windsor Pink Depression Glass
I’m blending two patterns today, both from Jeannette Glass. The plates and bowls are Doric and the tumblers are Windsor pink depression glass. Doric looks refined and classy. The design alternates plain squares with stylized flower squares around the outside and a simple spoke pattern in the center. Take a look at this berry bowl to see what I mean.

Doric Pink Depression Glass Bowl
I thought this pattern looked good on the table. What do you think?

Doric and Windsor Pink Depression Glass
Here it is closer at hand so you can see the interesting contrast with Windsor next to the Doric glassware.

Doric and Windsor Pink Glass Place Setting
Let’s look at the Windsor tumblers up close. You can see this is a geometric pressed pattern like diamonds.

Windsor Pink Depression Glass Tumbler
Both of these patterns are the same shade of pink. The tumbler looks a little darker because it is thicker glass. Jeannette Glass made Windsor from 1936 to the early 1940s in clear and green plus the pink. There are more pieces of clear than any other color with pink a close second. There are even a few pieces of ice blue and opaque Delphite blue. Combinations of pink and clear look great together.

Doric and Windsor Pink Depression Glass Table
Can you see the two-light candle holders? They are Navarre etched on Fostoria’s Baroque crystal, very nice pieces that go well with this pretty table setting.

Three Place Settings with Navarre Crystal
Here is a close up of the candle holders.

Fostoria Navarre Etched Double Candle Holder
Here they are flanking the pink and white crystalline glazed vase by Dave Eickholt.

Dave Eickholt Crystalline Glazed Vase with Depression Glass
This vase has a subtle crystal pattern in the glaze you can see better in this close up.

Dave Eickholt Pink Vase Crystalline Glaze Close Up
Wouldn’t this be a pretty table for lunch with friends? The candles glow and reflect off the crystal and pink glass and the pink vase catches your eye. I hope you enjoyed visiting me for our pink Thursday table.
Shopping Guide: If you like the glass shown here please check Cat Lady Kate’s Elegant and Depression Glass for the Doric and Windsor pink depression glass and the Navarre crystal candle holders. The pink crystalline vase by artist Dave Eickholt is available at