Somehow Columbia depression glass from Federal rarely made it into this blog even though I had many pieces of it once upon a time. Columbia is a big, bold pattern, usually crystal, and square-ish … [Read more...]
Six Reasons Why I Love Georgian Lovebirds Depression Glass
Georgian depression glass from Federal is one of my favorite patterns. The shapes and motifs are lovely and while there are many pretty patterns out there - Cameo or Dogwood come to mind - it's been … [Read more...]
Colonial Fluted Rope Green Depression Glass from Federal
Colonial Fluted depression glass is easy to recognize if you remember its nickname "Rope". (To quote Hazel Marie Weatherman, "Now why did Federal want to call this pattern Colonial Fluted? Our old … [Read more...]
Amber Depression Era Glass – From Honey Gold to Deep Russet
I sold some Patrician plates recently and was struck by the color difference between amber glass from Federal and Cambridge. Here is the amber Patrician plate from Federal, made 1933 to … [Read more...]
Madrid Depression Glass or Indiana Recollection Reproduction – Let’s Help Mary Decide
Mary posted pictures of two Madrid light pink bowls and asked for help to evaluate which is real and which - if any - is a reproduction. Madrid can be hard to tell apart.Federal made Madrid in … [Read more...]
Green Depression Glass – An Assortment of Beautiful Glassware
Today instead of writing about glass I just wanted to look at it and admire the beautiful patterns and entrancing colors. So I decided that's what we'll do with this post, show some of the prettiest … [Read more...]
Depression Glass Information and Misinformation – Georgian Lovebirds
Is this Georgian Lovebirds saucer real depression glass or is it a repro? It is not marked.This next saucer is marked.I have Georgian cups, saucers and sherbets with the Federal F in a … [Read more...]
Sharon Cabbage Rose Pink Depression Glass Tablescape Thursday
Everyone needs roses in winter. Here's a neat way to capture spring and summer bounty on your table, Sharon pink depression glass, a pattern full of roses.See what I mean about the roses? … [Read more...]
How to Sell Glass – Describe Wear and Chips
Wow. Just got some eBay feedback love that was awfully good to see. I had some Red Wing china and sold the last few pieces a few weeks ago. Customer's comment was "VERY PLEASED with Random Harvest … [Read more...]
Tablescape Thursday – Lunch on Georgian Lovebirds Green Depression Glass
Today we're going to have dinner for two with a small fruit cup on one of my favorite depression glass patterns, Georgian Lovebirds.Can you see the birds perching inside the triangles around … [Read more...]