Several readers commented how lovely the Monax American Sweetheart plates were in the prior post. Let's look at some of the decorations you might find on American Sweetheart.Gold trimmed pieces … [Read more...]
Confusing Styles of American Sweetheart Plates
We have several styles of plates to enjoy with American Sweetheart. Like many patterns that were very successful when made originally, MacBeth Evans released variations of the common pieces. You … [Read more...]
White Depression Glass from MacBeth Evans – Monax, Cremax and Ivrene
You either love milk glass or you detest it. I'm in the second camp, just cannot get into opaque when glass is meant to be beautifully transparent. However, even I find MacBeth Evan's translucent … [Read more...]
Glass Pick of the Week Dogwood Pink Depression Glass Dinner Plates
Can you believe it's Saturday already? Love Saturdays! My Saturdays are always busy but there's always time to enjoy glass.This week we're waffling between winter and spring here in Michigan, 72 … [Read more...]
Let’s Go to the Glass Show! Depression and Elegant Glass Galore
Last summer Deidra and I went to the National Depression Glass Association annual show. We had a blast! We wondered beforehand whether it was worth the 3 hour drive since there were "only" 32 … [Read more...]
American Sweetheart Depression Glass Plates Galore
MacBeth Evans made American Sweetheart for six years, 1930 to 1936, making it one of the longest running depression glass patterns. So many of our favorite patterns only lasted a few years, which … [Read more...]
Dogwood Pink Depression Glass for Lunch – Pink Saturday
This Pink Saturday shows a special offer on one of my favorite depression glass patterns, Dogwood. I've read that the Dogwood 8 inch lunch plate is one of the easiest to find pieces of pink depression … [Read more...]
A Different Shade of White – Cremax Ivrene Depression Glass
Last post I showed you MacBeth Evans luscious monax translucent white depression glass. They used Monax for American Sweetheart and Petalware where the pure white looks stunning.Besides … [Read more...]
Monax Pure White Depression Glass from MacBeth Evans
I'm not a big fan of white as a color but I'll make an exception for monax depression glass from MacBeth Evans. I love this glass. It's thin and opalescent on the edges and the color is soft white … [Read more...]
Readers’ Choice! What’s Your Favorite Pink Depression Glass Tablescape?
Here's your chance to tell me what you like. I know the pink depression glass tables we've shown have been favorites - but which one do you like the best?I was going through my old posts and … [Read more...]