Petalware is very pretty, unassuming depression glass pattern from MacBeth Evans. You can find lovely ethereal looking Monax white, warm off-white Ivrene, transparent pink, crystal and Monax with … [Read more...]
American Sweetheart – Decorated or Plain, It’s Beautiful
Several readers commented how lovely the Monax American Sweetheart plates were in the prior post. Let's look at some of the decorations you might find on American Sweetheart.Gold trimmed pieces … [Read more...]
Confusing Styles of American Sweetheart Plates
We have several styles of plates to enjoy with American Sweetheart. Like many patterns that were very successful when made originally, MacBeth Evans released variations of the common pieces. You … [Read more...]
American Sweetheart Depression Glass Plates Galore
MacBeth Evans made American Sweetheart for six years, 1930 to 1936, making it one of the longest running depression glass patterns. So many of our favorite patterns only lasted a few years, which … [Read more...]
A Different Shade of White – Cremax Ivrene Depression Glass
Last post I showed you MacBeth Evans luscious monax translucent white depression glass. They used Monax for American Sweetheart and Petalware where the pure white looks stunning.Besides … [Read more...]
Monax Pure White Depression Glass from MacBeth Evans
I'm not a big fan of white as a color but I'll make an exception for monax depression glass from MacBeth Evans. I love this glass. It's thin and opalescent on the edges and the color is soft white … [Read more...]
Petalware So Pretty – Soft White Monax Depression Glass
Soft and white and slightly translucent, this plate is Petalware from MacBeth Evans. MacBeth Evans is the same company that made Dogwood and American Sweetheart. They were one of the few … [Read more...]
Valentines Day in Pink and White – Petalware Depression Glass
Welcome to a pink and white Tablescape Thursday. This is Petalware depression glass in pink and soft opalescent white. It is the week before Valentines Day after all and the softly colored depression … [Read more...]
American Sweetheart & Amethyst Twist – Tablescape Thursday
Today's tablescape is is one of those things that sounds like a great idea in the middle of the night that isn't maybe quite so wonderful when you're actually awake. Does your subconscious play tricks … [Read more...]
American Sweetheart Monax Depression Glass Tidbit
A lot of depression glass patterns included tidbits in their line up which were meant to be fancy serving pieces for little cakes, tarts and candies. People use these for weddings, showers and open … [Read more...]