Birds are flocking to my feeder this winter. It’s already been zero here with lots of snow and they get hungry! Like most of us, I like birds. Glass companies did too, and used birds in many designs. I showed several in the last two posts, Peacocks, Pheasants, Birds of a Feather – Etched Glass Patterns and Pheasants and Mystery Birds – Elegant Glass Etched Patterns Featuring Feathered Fowls.
All the bird patterns shown so far are plate etchings on elegant glass and so are the three today. All of these are from Tiffin Glass.
First up is Persian Pheasant shown in a cocktail in crystal. Tiffin made Persian Pheasant in pink and in green with crystal in the 1930s and made crystal from 1945 into the 1960s. It’s an interesting pattern with two pheasants on a bouquet of flowers and a palm or pillar with plumes between each grouping. Don’t you wonder how the pheasants are perching on that thin flower stem?

Tiffin Persian Pheasant Cocktail
The next one is Fontaine in a luscious purple blue color Tiffin called Twilite. Most books describe this a blue, but it has a purple tinge. The design is a big fountain with two song birds perched on the rim. The pattern name, “Fontaine”, means fountain in French. Tiffin made Fontaine in crystal with green and pink along with this blue; the blue is the most sought after.

Tiffin Fontaine Twilight Purple Blue Plate
One thing I like about the older Tiffin etched plates is the design often continues into the centers. Take a look at the Fontaine plate and you’ll see the bottom swag extends into the center. Persian Pheasant and Classic have the same thing. It’s unusual and not something I’ve noticed on plates from other companies.
The last pattern has a bird, but it’s a minor part of the design. This lovely pink pitcher is Tiffin Classic, with medallions of a dancer draped in a long scarf and a bird flying by her head.

Tiffin Classic Etched Pink Pitcher Elegant Depression Glass