Nostalgic Swanky Swig with Red Elephants on Parade Juice Tumbler
Reason #8 – Family Memories. Whether the piece came from your family or someone else’s, there’s something about things to remind you of home and make you feel good.
This is one of the Swanky Swigs, the little glasses that you could buy cheese in that almost every family used for juice in the 1950s. Today kids drink juice by the gallon, not parcelled out in 5 ounce glasses, but back then juice was expensive and pretty well limited to apple, grape, tomato, V-8, canned orange and canned grapefruit. So careful moms used small glasses.
I remember my youngest brother having a glass like that for his milk and every time I see these little treasures it makes me smile.
Fellow Michigan blogger Diane posted about buying depression glass that reminded her of her mom. My mom couldn’t see the point of buying “old stuff” as she always wanted new. I think Diane’s Mom feels the same way but that’s ok, moms are entitled!
Note, text link to Swanky Swigs is an affiliate link.