Heisey Twist Pink Nut Cup
I know what you’re thinking. Huh? What’s this little pink dish?
This is Twist from Heisey, one of their classic molded designs from the depression era that they made in colored glass and crystal. This cute little dish is the two-handled nut cup and it is little, only about 4 inches wide.
I know, it seems odd to have special little dishes just for nuts. Back in the day ladies played cards – usually bridge – in the afternoon. With bridge you have two decks, one shuffled and ready for the next deal and the one you play for that hand. The cards move from one person to the next and the tables get crowded fast!
Thus nut cups. The hostess would set out a nut cup by each person, plus a coaster and maybe an ashtray too. These pieces had to be small and easy to move out of the way when it was your turn to deal.
Nut cups were perfect. Small, cute, attractive and with little handles. Sanitary since each lady had her own.
Nowadays we’d use these for small servings of nuts or candy, or place strategically around the room with flower petals. Elegance – and pink – are always in style!
Thanks for visiting our Pink Saturday pink depression glass post this week, and as always a big thank you to Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for organizing this fun event. Please be sure to visit the other bloggers to see how pink we can be