Every time I see pink and teal it reminds me of the bright beach side homes in Florida. Seeing as how it snowed – yes, snowed – yesterday here in Michigan that memory of warm sandy beaches is delightful!
This weekend was experiment time with combining glass colors and putting elegant glass with depression glass. This table uses ultramarine and pink depression glass with etched crystal stemware. What do you think?

Both colors of glass are the same pattern, Swirl depression glass from Jeannette. A while back you voted whether you liked the teal or pink dinner table settings better and the answer was a tie. One person suggested combining them and finally here we go.

Here is that earlier blog post Tablescape Thursday – Vote for Your Favorite Ultramarine or Pink. Frankly I was surprised me how well the teal and pink colored glass looks together. The crystal helps set it off and so does the tablecloth.
My mom embroidered this tablecloth sometime in the 1970s and I cherish because she made it, even though the cloth is square and our table is round. It got all wrinkled in the drawer but when I ironed it the side got a little scorched. Does anyone have a cure for light scorching?

I love the way the pink and ultramarine teal combine on this table, they blend together so well and the colors are just enough contrast to be interesting. This table keeps all the pink together and all the teal together, no mixing in a place setting. I tried mixing the colors – teal cup with pink plate – and will show those another Thursday.
Amazingly, everything worked. The colors are soft and blend beautifully, fighting for attention. Every combination I tried looked great.

The stemware is Lido from Fostoria. This is probably my favorite Fostoria crystal and the curvy fireworks bursts work great with the curvy lines of the Swirl depression glass. Drop me a note or leave a comment and let me know what you think!
My thanks to Susan from Between Naps on the Porch for hosting this fun event.
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