Nope, not fine Irish crystal, not at all. Hocking Glass made this pattern, called Waterford, during the depression and into the 1940s, mass produced in either crystal (aka clear) and pink. The little squares you see are pressed, not cut. Waterford Waffle is thinner than some later pressed clear patterns such as Early American Prescut and the pattern sparkles on the table in either color.
The top part on the goblet and on cups has a smooth band to make it pleasing to use. Plates and bowls have serrated rims with the little squares arrayed in a diamond fan and a pressed wheel or star shape on the centers. You can see the goblet has the same pressed star on the foot.

When collectors first appreciated and gathered depression glass they didn’t know most pattern names. They nicknamed this design from Hocking “Waffle”, fitting given the little squares. I like to include the Waffle when I talk about Waterford to differentiate this depression glass pattern from fine crystal.
I like crystal depression glass because it catches the light and sparkles. Some patterns show better in clear than in colored glass – Royal Lace is one – and the geometric designs like Waterford Waffle are exceptionally charming in crystal.
Another point to consider is cost. If you enjoy depression glass and would like to purchase pieces on a limited budget, crystal is often less costly than the same pattern in a color. For example Replacements today offers the footed tumbler in crystal for $9.99 while the same tumbler in pink glass is $23.99.
Hocking made full dinnerware sets in both crystal and pink with a few pieces available in only one color. For example the round coaster and salt and pepper shakers are available in crystal only; conversely the juice tumbler and footed creamer are found in pink, not crystal. Overall it’s fair to say you can find more pieces in crystal than in pink and the crystal seems more abundant.

I like Waterford Waffle quite a bit for the variety of pieces, sparkle and charm. If you like vintage glassware then take a look at this lovely pattern.